If you have any emergency faults over the festive period, please continue to use the usual call logging procedure by contacting the number on your service certificate.
A member of our call centre will pass your details onto one of our engineers who will contact you.
Please check to establish if you have a valid Maintenance Contract and that the contract covers ‘out of hours’ support.
Please ensure when calling us that you have the following information to hand:
Contract Number
Company Name
Equipment Details
Nature of the Fault
Site Contact Name
Site Contact Number
If you do not have a valid Maintenance Contract or the Contract does not cover ‘out of hours’ support, a hard copy purchase order should be provided prior to work commencing.
Unit 5, Optima Business Park
Pindar Road
Tel: 01920 871077
e-mail: sales@cetronicpower.com
Cetronic is an ISO9001:2015 Certified Company.
Registered in England 04458917